Requirements for a NSFAS Application

What are the requirements for a NSFAS application? It’s a question that you will be asking yourself if you are a student looking to get funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. Every year, NSFAS provides funding to hundreds of thousands of students across the country. That enables them to continue with their education without having to worry about not being able to pay for registration, tuition, learning materials, food, personal care, transport and accommodation. So, what are the requirements for a NSFAS application?

What are the requirements for a NSFAS application?

The following are the requirements for a NSFAS application;

  1. An email address
  2. An active phone number
  3. A certified copy of your South African ID or birth certificate
  4. ID copies for each member of your household
  5. Copies of your academic transcripts or exam results
  6. Payslips for your parents and guardians where applicable. You can also provide other forms of proof of income
  7. In cases where your parents are divorced or deceased, you need to provide evidence

How do I apply?

Those are the requirements for a NSFAS application. We noted that this is a government program that is meant to provide funding to financially disadvantaged students across South Africa. But how does one apply?

There are several ways through which you can make your NSFAS application. The easiest is probably to create your myNSFAS account on their website. You will be asked to provide your ID number as part of the process. The ID number will then act as your username.

Next, you will need to enter all your personal information. Once that is done, you are then asked to upload the supporting documents. We mentioned some of the required documents in the above section.

How long does an NSFAS appeal take?


This post was dedicated to showing you the requirements for a NSFAS application. It was noted that you require personal documentation when lodging your application. That includes your ID document and the ID documents for your parents or guardians.

You are also required to provide proof of income. This can be in the form of a payslip. Note that payslips or bank statements should be no more than 3 months old.

This post also highlighted the fact that NSFAS is great in that it allows people from disadvantaged households to study at the country’s public universities and TVET colleges.

What does awaiting documentation mean on NSFAS?

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