How to Stop a Debit Order on African Bank

Are you trying to find out how to stop a debit order on African Bank in South Africa? Debit orders are popular across the country because they allow people to automate the process of meeting their monthly obligations.

You may have a service to which you have subscribed. Or maybe you have something that you purchased on credit for which monthly payments are required. Setting up a debit order makes life easy by removing the need to remember to make the required payment every month.

Having said that, you are here because there is a debit order that you now wish to stop. Perhaps it’s because the order is fraudulent. Or maybe it’s because you have already cancelled the service. In any case, you will find here how to cancel an African Bank debit order.

How to cancel a debit order on African Bank

The following is how to stop a debit order on African Bank;

  1. You can cancel a debit order by visiting your nearest African Bank branch.
  2. Another option is to call 0861111011 to lodge a dispute.

Why stop an African Bank debit order

Those are the options for those looking to stop a debit order on African Bank. We noted in the above points that the best option is to contact the 3rd party, who will cancel the debit order.

However, that is not always practical. In fact, one of the reasons why you may have approached your bank is because you reached out to the 3rd party and they refused to help you.

Maybe you have already cancelled their service, yet they are still deducting money from your account. Should you fall into this situation, you may wish to reach out to your bank to have the debit order stopped.

Another scenario that occurs is where people will have agreed to paying a certain amount at a certain time. However, now you have discovered that the 3rd party is deducting more than the agreed to figure. Or maybe they have changed the dates at which they collect their dues. In that case, you may have decided to cancel.

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Lookout for fraudulent debit orders

One thing to note is that there is a lot of fraud taking place in South Africa. Quite a number of fraudulent debit orders are initiated every day. It’s sometimes difficult for people to detect these since there are so many of them.

The good news is that there are several ways through which you can protect yourself. In the first place, try to keep an eye on what is happening on your account. You can do this by subscribing to African Bank SMS notifications. By doing this, you will know whenever money is deducted from your account without authorization.

Here is the African Bank contact number

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