How Does Absa Notify Lotto Winners?

A lot of people in South Africa now prefer to play lotto on their online banking apps or via cellphone banking. It’s easier to do so. When you take this route, you don’t have to worry about having to find a nearby place that sells Lotto tickets. You can buy yours from anywhere at any time. The challenge for most people comes in learning whether or not they have won. With some banks, no notifications are send. So, how does Absa notify lotto winners?

Will Absa notify me if I win lotto?

The following is how Absa notifies Lotto winners;

  1. If the amount is below R50000, Absa will send you an SMS telling you that you have won. This will be done within 48 hours after the draw.
  2. For winnings that are R50000 and above, the bank will also notify the winner via SMS. It will also use other means to try and get in touch with you.

What will be in the SMS?

Those are the ways through which you will be notified by Absa in the event that you have won lotto after playing through the app or via cellphone banking.

But what will be in the SMS? The message will have a number of details that you will need to claim your money, particularly for those that have won R50000 and more.

The text will have a reference number. It will also have the date of the draw. If you have won less than R50000, you will also be told the date at which money will be deposited into your account. You will also get an Absa number that you can call for more information.

Meanwhile, for those lucky enough to win R50000 and more, the message will also include and Ithuba number and instructions on what you need to do to collect your money.

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How is the money paid?

That’s the answer to the question how does Absa notify lotto winners. We noted that how you are notified is similar, whatever the amount that you have won. You will receive a text message informing you about your winnings.

The difference between those who win R50000 and above and those who win sums below that lies in how the money is paid. With winnings of less than R50000, money is automatically deposited into your account. You won’t have to do anything.

Meanwhile, with amounts R50000 and above, you will need to visit an Ithuba office to get your money. It’s not automatically deposited into your account. When you go there, you will need the reference number as provided in the SMS. You will also need your South African ID and a bank statement going back one months.

Summing up

To summarize this article, we focused on how Absa informs people that they have won lotto. We noted that everyone who wins is told via SMS. If you have won less than R50000, you will automatically get your money. Anything above that, you will have to collect your money directly from Ithuba.

Claim Absa lotto winnings

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