Capitec Branch Code

Are you looking for the Capitec Branch code? It’s something that a number of people have been asking about. Capitec is the biggest bank in South Africa when it comes to clients numbers. At the moment, they have over 20 million customers. That’s way more than the second placed bank, Standard Bank, which has over 10 million clients. Capitec’s growth is due to the fact that it offers affordable services. Capitec has branches across the country. Wherever you are, you may be wondering what the Capitec Universal Branch code is.

Capitec Universal Branch Code

The Capitec branch code is 470010. That’s the code to use for all Capitec branches across the country. It doesn’t matter where you may be. The Capitec Universal Branch code is still the same across the board.

List of Capitec Branch codes

Below is a full list of the Capitec branch codes;

Capitec Bank LocationBranch Code
Cape Town470010
Pietermaritzburg 470010

As you can see in the above table, the branch codes are the same no matter where you are. It’s the reason why this is called a universal branch code.

Based on the above table, the Capitec branch code for Durban is 470010. Meanwhile, the Capitec branch code for Pretoria is also 470010.

If you are in Johannesburg, the Capitec branch code is still 470010. For those in Polokwane, the Capitec branch code is 470010.

What is a branch code?

That is the Capitec branch code. But what is a Branch code? A branch code is a code that is used to identify an individual bank. Across the globe, banks have branch codes.

So, each bank is supposed to have a unique branch code. However, that is not always the case. With Capitec, all branches have the universal branch code that is given above.

Why would you need the branch code?

Branch codes are unique for each bank, but why would you need one? The main reason why branch codes are important is that they make it easy for money to be directed to the right bank.

Let’s say money is being transferred to your account via EFT. The branch code is essential in ensuring that the money reaches you as quickly and as easily as is possible.

Here is the Nedbank to Capitec transfer time


In this article, we showed you the Capitec branch code for different places around the country. It was noted that branch codes are meant to make the process of transferring money smooth. Each bank can have it’s own transfer code.

This code can be needed in a number of instances, including when making money transfers. We noted that some banks can use a universal branch code. That’s the situation in South Africa. With this system, the code for Capitec is the same no matter where you may be.

How to deposit money at a Capitec ATM

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