One Plan Waiting Period

What is the One Plan waiting period? It’s something that you will ask yourself if you wish to join. One Plan is one of the most diversified insurance companies in South Africa. They offer a wide range of products, including car, household, pet and health insurance. As is the case with every other insurance company in the country, One Plan Health Insurance has a waiting period on claims. Before this time frame has elapsed, you cannot claim.

What is the waiting period for One Plan?

The following are the One Plan waiting periods;

  • Doctor visits – 30 days
  • Medication – 30 days
  • Radiology (X-rays) – 30 days
  • Pathology (blood tests) – 30 days
  • Dentist visits – 3 months
  • Optometry (Eye doctor) – 12 months
  • Pregnancy- 7 months
  • Casualty accident- no waiting period
  • Casualty contact sport- 12 months
  • Hospitalization for illness- 3 months

Why does One Plan have waiting periods?

That’s the One Plan Health Insurance waiting period. You will have noticed that the waiting periods are different from situation to situation. On some conditions, the waiting period is long. But why have waiting periods in the first place?

It’s not something that’s unique to One Plan? Most medical aid companies in South Africa offer waiting periods. But why is this done? There are a number of reasons for this. You may think that it would be fair to have no waiting period at all.

However, that is not practical. Should that be allowed, then someone would join today only because they are sick. The moment they get the treatment they need, they would then leave. So, It’s important to have waiting periods to protect loyal customers.

It’s also important as a way of protecting the medical aid company itself. Health insurance, like all other insurance, is premised on the thinking that those people who are not sick will help others who are sick get treatment. When you get sick yourself, you will be helped by others.

Allowing people to join only when they have fallen ill would defeat the purpose of this. That’s the reason why you must endure waiting periods. Some waiting periods are longer because treatment for some conditions tends to be rather expensive.

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In this article, we showed you the One Plan waiting period. We noted that there are different waiting periods for different conditions. One Plan is actually very generous. The general waiting period across Medical Aid companies is 90 days. One Plan will pay for your visit to the doctor after only 30 days.

What is the One Plan pregnancy waiting period?

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