How to Download Proof of Payment from Capitec App

Do you wish to learn how to download proof of payment from the Capitec app? If so, you have come to the right place. We will show you how it’s done in a few quick and easy steps. This is something that you may wish to do after paying a service provider or some other business. Sometimes you need to send them proof of payment to show that everything is order. So, how do you get proof of payment from the Capitec app.

Steps to get proof of payment from the Capitec app

The following is how to get proof of payment from the Capitec app;

  1. Open the Capitec app on your phone and sign in. You can sign in using either your fingerprint or a PIN
  2. Click on Savings Account
  3. Choose the Money Out tab
  4. Click on the transaction for which you wish to download proof of payment
  5. Scroll down to Send payment notification
  6. Choose the Email option
  7. Enter your email address. You can also add another person or business’ email address here. In that case, you will be sending the proof of payment directly to them.
  8. Go to your email and you will see the message from Capitec containing the proof of payment.
  9. You can now download it.

This only works for payments that you send to people

That’s how to download proof of payment from the Capitec app. Please note that the steps outlined above will only work for payments that you send out to people. They will not work for purchases that you made in stores, as an example.

In those cases, you will be able to view your purchases, but there won’t be the option to send proof of payment via email or via SMS.

What’s contained in the proof of payment?

Getting proof of payment is crucial when it comes to proving that a payment was made to a business or to an individual. But what information will be on the proof of payment document.

The document will have a Capitec stamp. It will also state that you made a payment to the business or the individual and will give the payment details. The amount that was paid will also be declared in the document.

How much does Capitec charge for withdrawals?


In this document, we highlighted how to download proof of payment from the Capitec app. It was noted that this can come in handy when proving to a person or business that you paid them a certain amount on a certain date.

Perhaps the business has been saying they did not see the money. Proof of payment can only be sent for money that’s sent from your account and does not work for purchases in retail stores, as an example.

Here is how to change the phone number linked to your Capitec account

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