How to Claim Lotto Winnings from Nedbank

Do you wish to learn how to claim Lotto winnings from Nedbank South Africa? Nedbank is one of the banks that allow their customers to play lotto using either the app of via USSD. But let’s say you have won Lotto, how then do you claim your winnings from Nedbank. That’s the information that we are going to provide you here. Lotto represents a chance for millions of South Africa to make it rich. Though only a few ever win the jackpot, it still remains very popular across the country.

How to collect Lotto winnings from Nedbank

The following is how to claim Lotto winnings from Nedbank;

  1. If your winnings are below R250 000, you don’t have to do anything to claim your Lotto winnings from Nedbank. The bank will automatically deposit your money into the account with which you played Lotto. That will happen within 7 days.
  2. However, if you have won money that is more that R250 000, you will have to claim your winnings from the National Lottery. Nedbank will attempt to contact you beforehand to inform you about your winnings.

What if your Nedbank account is no longer active?

That’s how to claim your Lotto winnings from Nedbank. You don’t have to take any action to get your money, unless you have won money that is over R250,000. In that case, you will need to get in touch with the lottery operator.

But what if your Nedbank account is no longer active? How then will Nedbank deposit the money into that account? According to Nedbank, if for some reason money cannot be deposited into the account with which you bought your ticket, they will get in touch with you to get you to rectify the issue.

If you have won over R250,000, what do you need to take to the National Lottery?

In this article, we showed you how to claim lotto winnings from Nedbank South Africa. We told you that if you win money that is above R250,000, you will have to go to the lotto office to get your money. But what do you need to take with you to claim your winnings? The following are the things that will be asked of you;

  • Your ID document or another proof of identity.
  • Your bank account. This is where you winnings will be deposited.
  • A reference number. You will have gotten this as an SMS after winning.

Learn how to play Lotto on the Nedbank app


In this article, we showed you how to claim Lotto winnings from Nedbank. We noted that Lotto is very popular in South Africa. Many people play the daily and weekly versions of the game in the hope of winning the jackpot.

Should you win, money will automatically be deposited into your account within a week. If you win more than that, you will have to go to the Lotto office to claim you winnings.

Here is how to register for Nedbank cellphone banking

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