How do I Transfer Money from FNB to Paypal

How do I transfer money from FNB to Paypal? It’s a question that we have been receiving from our readers. We have another article in which we showed you how to transfer money from Paypal to FNB. In this instance, we are going to be showing we the reverse of that. You wish to load money into Paypal from your FNB account. How can you quickly and easily do that?

How to load your Paypal account from FNB

The following is how to transfer money from FNB to Paypal in South Africa;

  1. Log into your FNB account.
  2. Once logged in, go to My Bank Accounts.
  3. Click on the yellow bar to bring up your Menu.
  4. Go to Paypal services.
  5. Click on the yellow menu bar.
  6. Click on Top Up to Paypal.
  7. Enter the relevant details, including selecting the FNB account from which you wish to top up your Paypal account. You will also enter the amount to be transferred.
  8. When done entering the relevant details, you will View your Quote.
  9. Next, you need to check and confirm the transaction and personal details.
  10. Your request will now be submitted for processing.

Why transfer money from FNB to Paypal?

That’s how to transfer money from FNB to Paypal in South Africa. But why would you want to do this? Paypal is the most important payment platform service that can be found out there.

You can use it for online shopping and to send money to other people. Paypal is accepted across the globe, making it the ideal choice for most people.

There are also a lot of South Africans who are into e-marketing. If you are one of them, chances are high that you will want to buy and sell stuff via Paypal.

FNB accounts can be linked to Paypal

FNB is the only bank in South Africa that currently allows people to link their accounts to Paypal. In fact, if you wish to send money to any other bank from Paypal, you will need to do it using FNB.

We have previously written on how to transfer money from Paypal to Capitec. You need to have an FNB banking profile to be able to do this. So, it’s something to keep in mind. If you use Paypal a lot, it’s ideal that you have an FNB account.


This post was dedicated to showing you how to transfer money from FNB to Paypal. The focus was on moving money from FNB. We have another account that shows you how to do the reverse. So, you should check that out also.

Being able to upload and unload money from your Paypal account is important for everyone who use this service. Note that you need to wait between 4 and 24 hours for money that you have moved to Paypal from your FNB account to be transferred.

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