FNB Paypal Contact Number South Africa

What is the FNB Paypal contact number for South Africa? Paypal is probably the world’s biggest online payment gateway. In South Africa, Paypal works with FNB. If you are a non-FNB customer and if you wish to link Paypal to your bank account, you are required to first create an FNB online banking profile for Paypal. That’s because FNB is the only bank that connects directly to Paypal in the country. You are here because you have some queries for which you are looking for answers. So, what are the FNB Paypal contact details for South Africa?

FNB Paypal contact details

The FNB Paypal contact number is 087 572 9725. If you are calling from outside South Africa, you will need to dial +27 11 371 3711. When prompted to do so, you can then enter the 087 number given above.

Does the number work throughout the day?

That is the FNB Paypal contact number. One question that you may be asking yourself is whether or not the number works throughout the day. The answer is no. The number will only work when calling during business hours. It’s not a 24 hour number. The following are the operating hours;

  • Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 17:00
  • Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00
  • Closed on public holidays

Others options for getting in touch

The FNB Paypal contact number can be used if you have queries that need answering. But what if you wish to get in touch other ways. Perhaps you are getting in touch beyond the prescribed operating hours as outlined above? What do you do then?

Fortunately, there are other ways through which to contact FNB. We have an article giving their 24hr number. You can call on that one to get help.

It’s also possible for you to reach out on Twitter and Facebook. The bank is highly responsive on these platforms. They will provide you with an answer to your questions within the space of a few minutes.


In this post, we showed you the FNB Paypal contact number. It was noted that this number may come in handy if you have questions relating to Paypal use in South Africa.

That’s particularly important considering that FNB is the only bank that links directly to Paypal in the country.

If you need to use Paypal and if you have another bank, you will have to create an FNB account for Paypal. You can do that online within the space of a few minutes.

What are the FNB loan requirements?

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