Clientele Funeral Plan Waiting Period

What is the Clientele Funeral Plan waiting period? Clientele is one of the most popular insurance companies in South Africa. They offer a number of products, including funeral and legal plans. Like all insurance companies in the country, Clientele imposes waiting periods on their products. We will discuss the reasons why there are waiting periods later in this article. For now, let’s talk about the waiting period for their funeral plan.

What is the Clientele funeral cover waiting period?

The Clientele funeral plan waiting period is 6 months. Before this, you will only be able to claim for an accident death. If you are coming from another insurance company offering a similar service, Clientele will consider the waiting period to be the date on which you joined your previous insurance company.

Why do companies impose waiting periods?

That is the waiting period for the Clientele funeral plan. You may be wondering why companies impose waiting periods in the first place. We have already noted that almost all insurance companies in the country impose waiting periods in one form or the other.

Why is that the case? The major reason for this is to prevent people from joining today and claiming tomorrow. If a funeral insurance company were to offer immediate cover, then people would join only when they have relatives in a critical condition in hospital.

That would make the entire insurance scheme unviable. Premiums remain low because you don’t claim immediately after joining. Instead, you need to wait several months before claiming. That way, you won’t join only when you are in a critical conditions.

Waiting periods out there vary depending on the nature of cover that is on offer. We have previously talked about the Gems waiting period for pregnancy. It’s longer in that case because pregnancy can be rather expensive.


In this article we gave you the Clientele funeral plan waiting period. It was noted that you need to wait half a year before you can claim funeral cover from the company. We further explained that waiting periods are important as a way of protecting companies from people who would join today only to claim the following day. Allowing that to happen would drastically increase premiums.

What is the waiting period for Gems medical aid

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