Lost my Pick n Pay Smart Shopper Card

I lost my Pick n Pay smart shopper card, what do I do? It’s something that a number of people who follow this blog have been asking. Pick n Pay is one of the biggest retail stores in South Africa. They have over 535 shops around the country. Part of the appeal for this shop is the Smart Shopper program, under which people get discounts and earn points while buying from Pick n Pay. As part of the program, you get a Smart Shopper Card. So, what do you do if you lost the card?

How to replace a lost Pick n Pay smart shopper card

The following is what to do if you have lost your Pick n Pay Smart Shopper card;

  1. The first thing that you will need to do is to block your Smart Shopper card. That will prevent it from being used by unauthorised people. You can block the card via the Pick n Pay Smart Shopper Website. Click on the Block lost card tile. Enter your South African ID number or your Passport number. Proceed to the next steps to complete the process.
  2. Alternatively, you can block a lost card via the Pick n Pay self service WhatsApp platform. Save the number on your phone and sent the message Hi. Choose My Smart Shopper. Finally, choose the Block Card Option. Enter your South African ID or Passport.
  3. Once you have blocked the card, the next thing that you will need to do is to replace it with a new one. You can do this either on the Smart Shopper website or via the WhatsApp self service portal.

Why do you need to block the card?

Those are the steps that you need to take in the event that you lose your smart shopper card. We noted in the above section that it’s important to first block the card. But why would you do this?

The main reason for this is to protect yourself from fraud. As an example, you may have deposited money into your card. This is something that you can do at any Pick n Pay store. So, you need to protect your account by blocking it.


In this article, we showed you what to do in the event that you have lost your Pick n Pay smart shopper card. It was noted that the process involves first blocking your card before replacing it. Blocking ensures safety for your account.

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