How to Get an Additional Capitec Card

Do you wish to find out how to get an additional Capitec bank card? Perhaps you wish to have another card that will be used by someone close to you. At the moment, Capitec does not offer joint accounts. However, they do offer supplementary cards. This gives you and your family the option of transacting from one account using different cards. But how do you get a supplementary card on Capitec?

Steps to get a supplementary card at Capitec

The following is how to get an additional Capitec bank card;

  1. Visit your nearest Capitec bank branch along with the person to whom you wish to issue a supplementary card.
  2. The person getting the card needs to bring along a valid ID or passport to verify their identity.
  3. Your card will immediately be processed.

To whom can you issue an additional Capitec bank card?

That’s how to get an additional Capitec bank card. We have already noted that this can become necessary if you wish to give someone access to your account so they can transact using another card. But to whom can you issue an additional card? Supplementary Capitec bank cards can be issued to anyone, including;

  • Your husband or wife
  • A child
  • A friend
  • A relative

Why would you need a supplementary card?

So, why would you get a supplementary bank card. Most people do it so their partners can get access to their accounts. Maybe you live in different cities. Or maybe you wish to give your child who is at university access to your account. If you are brave enough to do that, then it’s a simple matter of applying for a supplementary Capitec account.


That how to get an additional Capitec bank card. The process is simple enough. You will be done in no time. You do need to visit your nearest branch to get it done. It cannot be done online. And you do need to bring along the person getting the card.

Here is the Capitec call centre number

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