How to Close Discovery Bank Account

Do you wish to learn how to close your Discovery bank account? Discovery is one of the biggest financial services companies in South Africa. Their products include banking, medical aid, health insurance, life insurance, investments, car and home insurance and travel insurance. You are here because you are one of their banking customers. Now you wish to close you account. How do you do that?

How to cancel your Discovery bank account

If you wish to close you Discovery bank account, you can do so by calling 0800 07 96 97. You will be able to talk to a consultant on the number. They will help you cancel your account.

Why close your account?

That’s how to close your Discovery bank account. We noted in the introduction to this article that Discovery is one of the biggest financial services companies in the country.

They are also one of the most diversified. So, why would anyone want to close their accounts? There could be a number of reasons for that.

Some people close their accounts after moving to other countries. A lot of South African citizens have been doing. If you migrate to Australia, as an example, it will make no sense for you to maintain your account in South Africa.

Other people will have joined Discovery, only to discover that the bank is not really for them. If you fall into this category, you may have decided to move over to another bank. In that case, it will be best for you to cancel your Discovery account so you don’t have to deal with the costs that are associated with maintaining your account.


In this article, we showed you how to close your Discovery bank account. It was noted that you can do so by calling a provided number. We also provided some of the reasons why you may have decided to close your account. It was noted that if you are not using it, it makes sense to cancel your account, rather than having it accrue monthly costs.

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