How to Cancel a Hollard Policy

Are you looking for information on how to cancel a Hollard policy? Hollard is one of the most popular insurance companies in South Africa. They offer a wide range of products, including home, car, funeral and travel insurance. You are here because you have been a Hollard customer all along but, for some reason, you now wish to cancel. How do you do that?

Steps to cancel Hollard policy

The following is how to cancel a Hollard policy;

  1. Download the Hollard cancellation request form.
  2. Complete the form and submit it along with the required documentation as outlined below.
  3. Send the completed form to You can also fax the form to 011 547 7777.

What documents do you need to send?

That’s how to cancel your Hollard policy. We noted above that you need to send some documents along with the cancellation form. But what are these documents? When cancelling your Hollard policy, you need to send along the following;

  • A copy of the ID belonging to the policyholder.
  • If the premium payer is different, you need to send along a copy of their ID as well.

How long is the process?

How long does it take for Hollard to process cancellation of your policy? The company states that it takes between 10 and 14 days for policy cancellations to be processed. So, you need to take this into account when initiating yours. It’s not going to happen there and then.

Why cancel your Hollard policy?

Cancelling your policy with Hollard is a simply matter of filling out the required form and sending it to Hollard along with the required documents. But why would you cancel in the first place?

You could have a number of reasons for wanting to do so. Perhaps you are no longer employed. It can happen to any of us. It’s not good to be uninsured, but what can you do if you no longer have a steady source of income?

Or maybe you have found a better offer with another insurer. There are many insurance companies in South Africa. Open your TV today, and you are likely to be accosted by ads promoting one or the other. If you have been hooked, then that could be the reason for moving from Hollard.

How do I join Hollard funeral cover?


In this article, we showed you how to cancel your Hollard policy. It was noted that Hollard is very popular. They offer a wide range of insurance products. You are here because you wish to cancel, either your funeral policy or any other policy. That can be done by filling out the required form and sending out the required documents.

Here are the Hollard contact numbers


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