How to Accept Debicheck on Absa App

Do you need information on how to accept Debicheck on the Absa app? If yes, we will walk you through the process in this article. Debicheck is a facility that enables all South African banks to verify debit orders before they are effected by their banks. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people who have been losing their money through fraudulent debit orders. This is where Debicheck comes into play. You need to approve every debit order before money can be deducted from your account. So, how do you do so using the Absa app?

Steps to accept Debicheck Mandate on Absa

The following is how to accept Debicheck on the Absa app;

  1. Log into your Absa banking app
  2. You will immediately see a Manage DebiCheck message on your screen
  3. Select Okay, got it to proceed
  4. You will see a DebiCheck message. Click on the Continue button after reading it
  5. You will see a list of your pending mandates. Choose the one that you wish to action.
  6. Confirm that the details are correct. Click on the Approve button.
  7. Verify your transaction via Surecheck.
  8. You will get a message telling you that the Debit order has been accepted.

Why go through this process?

That’s how to accept Debicheck on the Absa app. But why would you go through all this trouble. Previously, all that needed to be done for a debit order to be accepted on your account was for a request to be made by the company with which you are dealing with.

However, that presented a number of challenges, not least of which was the proliferation of unauthorised debit orders. It was a terrible situation that caused a lot of people to lose their money.

Even today, we get a lot of complaints from people saying they have money that is being deducted illegally. This is where DebiCheck becomes a savior. No debit order can be initiated on your account without your express approval.

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This post was written in order to show South Africans how to accept DebiCheck on the Absa app. Absa is one of the biggest banks in South Africa.

A lot of people who bank with the bank use Debit orders to manage their accounts with various service providers. It’s a good way of ensuring that you are keeping up with your obligations without having to worry about making payments at the end of the day.

However, one challenge is that a lot of fake debit orders are being initiated all over the place. The result is that people end up losing their money. That’s why banks have now introduced the process of approving debicheck mandates.

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