FNB Fixed Deposit Account Interest Rates

What are the FNB fixed deposit account interest rates? That’s something that a lot of people planning to open FNB fixed deposit accounts have been looking to find out. The great thing about fixed term accounts is that they offer good interest rates on your investment. It’s way better to keep your money in such an account than in a savings account. So, what interest rates can you expect on your fixed deposit investment at FNB?

Interest rates for FNB fixed deposit accounts in South Africa

The following are the FNB fixed deposit account interest rates;

R10 000 –
R249 999.99
R250 000 –
R499 999.99
R500 000 –
R999 999.99
R1 million
1 7.02%7.07%7.12%7.23%
3 7.44%7.50%7.55%7.60%
6 7.76%7.82%7.87%7.92%
9 7.92%7.98%8.03%8.08%
12 8.57%8.62%8.68%8.73%
24 8.68%8.73%8.79%8.84%
36 8.89%8.95%9.00%9.06%
48 9.22%9.27%9.33%9.38%
60 9.54%9.60%9.65%9.71%

Tips on earning more

Those are the FNB fixed deposit account interest rates. The reason why people put their money into fixed deposit accounts is because they wish to earn the most in terms of interest. We have already noted that you get more by investing in a fixed term account than in a savings account.

There are a number of tips that you can use to get even more out of your investment. In the first place, if you invest more money, you will get higher interest rates than if you invest a low amount. It’s something that you can see in the above table.

The term that you choose for your investment also determines how much you are going to earn in terms of interest. If you invest for 5 months, you will earn more than somebody who invests for only a few months. So, that’s another way through which to boost your earnings.


In this article, we showed you the FNB fixed deposit account interest rates. FNB’s rates are fairly competitive. From our analysis, the best interests that you will get a offered by Standard Bank, but FNB’s interests are still good.

We noted in this article that if you wish to earn more, you need to invest more. You also need to choose a longer term for your investment. The thing to do is to think of your fixed term deposit as an investment. Perhaps you are saving up to buy an asset such as a car.

Rather than keeping your money in a normal account, you get to earn more by placing it in a fixed deposit account. It’s the reason why most people move to these accounts. There may be challenges these days due to inflation and other considerations, but generally speaking, a fixed deposit account is great for keeping your money safe.

Find out how to reverse FNB eWallet

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