Ezaga Contact Details

What are the Ezaga contact details? That’s something that a lot of students across South Africa have been trying to find out. Ezaga is the agency that has the mandate to disburse National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) payouts. This is something that a lot of students depend on. This money is what enables them to continue with their studies without having to worry about finances. You are here because you wish to get in touch with Ezaga for one reason or the other. So, what is their number?

Ezaga contact number and email

The following are the Ezaga contact details;

Phone number086 999 0927

Alternative contact details

Those are the Ezaga contact details. But are they the only way through which you can get in touch with the company. The good news is that there are other ways through which to do so.

You can get in touch with them on their Facebook. They are also available on Twitter and on Instagram. The great thing about reaching out on social media is that you retain a copy of the conversation.

That could come in handy for future considerations. Another thing is that companies tend to respond quickly to queries that are send on social media. So, this is something that you may wish to try in the event that you are unable to reach them on their phone number and email.

Why reach out to Ezaga?

Those are the Ezaga contact details. We have already noted that this is the company that is mandated with disbursing government funds for students.

It’s not surprising therefore that a lot of people are seeking to reach out to the company. Maybe you are having issues with your payments. Perhaps you haven’t received your money on time.

Or maybe you got your money but it’s not the amount that you were expecting. Perhaps you have made a transfer and the money is yet to be processed. We have an article on how to transfer from Ezaga to Capitec.

Reset Ezaga password


In this article, we gave you the Ezaga contact details. It was noted that a lot of students eager to get their money have been looking for information about this. You could be seeking to get in touch with the company for a variety of reasons to do with your payout.

How long does Ezaga transfer to Capitec take?


  1. ever since Ezaga was introduced(on June) I have never received my allowance and i have been texting them and even calling them but still haven’t received any honest answers. please help me.

  2. I have not received my back pay for the past 7 months so I would kindly like the organization to place my pay back with the next payment please

  3. I would like to re-link my app to my cellphone
    The ezaga app doesn’t want to open at all.
    The ezaga agents don’t answer their phones

  4. good day i have problem with the money was revesend by nedbank on the ezaga it was a voucher of R850 on august

  5. Nedbank reversed my money 27 October 2023 the atm restarted while my paymnt was in process please help its alit of money

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