Documents Needed for NSFAS

What documents are needed for NSFAS? It’s a question that you may be asking yourself if you are a student at one of the country’s universities or TVET colleges. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme is a government program that is meant to provide funding to tertiary students from low income households across the country. Before applying for NSFAS funding, you need to gather the required documentation in one place. That will make your application more successful. So, what are the NSFAS required documents?

NSFAS Required Documents

The following are the documents needed for NSFAS;

  • A fully completed NSFAS 2024 consent form
  • Copies of your identity documents. These should be certified. Those under 16 can submit copies of their birth certificates. You can get more information about where to certify you documents below
  • Copies of identity documents from your parents and guardians and others in your household
  • Copies of your exam results or transcripts
  • Students who have been exempted from paying fees at their schools need a supporting letter from the school
  • Copies of payslips or letter of employment for your parents or guardians. These should be no more than 3 months old
  • Where parents or guardians are on pension, you need to provide a pension slip. You can also provide a bank statements that indicates their pension payments
  • Parents or guardians work in the informal sector need to provide an affidavit indicating that this is the case
  • A Disability Annexure A Form if you are a student with disabilities
  • A Retrenchment letter may be required
  • In case your parents or guardians are you may be required to provide death certificate/s
  • A Divorce Decree may also be required if your parents are divorced
  • Proof of legal guardianship
  • If you are married, you may be asked to upload a marriage certificate

Download list of documents are needed to apply for nsfas

Click on the button below to download the list of documents required when applying for a NSFAS grant;

Additional information about documents needed to apply for nsfas

Those are the documents needed for NSFAS. Additionally, you need to know that documents must have been certified within the last three months of their submission. Certification should be at the South African Police Service or the South African Post Office.

Who Qualifies for NSFAS?

So far we have shown you the kind of documentation that you need to make your NSFAS application a success. You need to gather all the documents in order to make your application successful. But who qualifies for NSFAS?

  • You need to be a South African citizen. People who have a permanent residence status in the country can also apply
  • SASSA grant recipients can also apply for NSFAS grants
  • People whose gross income for the entire household is less than R350 000 per annum
  • People with disabilities. Your combined gross household income should be not more than R600 000 per annum
  • You need to have email account and cell phone number


In this article, we focused on the documents needed for a NSFAS application. The documents that you need to submit depend on your status and on the status of your household. NSFAS is meant to carter for low income households. Once you have submitted all the needed documents, your application will be processed and if successful, you will receive your grant.

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