Direct Axis Loan Balance Check

Do you wish to do a Direct Axis loan balance check? Direct Axis is one of the best known financial services providers in South Africa. They offer a number of products, including personal loans, insurance and debt consolidation. If you have previously taken a loan with them, one thing that you will want to do is to periodically check your loan balance. That’s important in terms of finding out how much you still owe and whether or not it’s time for you to make another loan application. But how do you see your loan balance?

How to check your Direct Axis loan balance

The following is how to check your Direct Axis loan balance;

  • You have the option to request for your statement via email. Send the email to
  • Another option is for you to call Direct Axis on 021 764 3404. Ask them to give you your loan balance and they will do so over the phone.

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Why check your loan balance?

That’s how to do a Direct Axis loan balance check? But why would you look to get this information? That’s something to which we have already alluded.

It’s important to always know how much you still owe on your loan. Having this information enables you to properly manage your repayments.

Perhaps you wish to make a large repayment. Or maybe you wish to find out when you will be free of your loan. If you want to get another loan from Direct Axis, that’s something that you will be interested in finding out.

Some people look for their loan balances because they wish to close their accounts. Before you can do that, you will need to settle your account.


In this article, we showed you how to view your Direct Axis loan balance. There are a couple of ways through which you can do this, via email or over the phone. We also some of the reasons why you are here looking for information about the balances on your loan.

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