Bestmed Contact Details

What are the Bestmed contact details? If you are a Bestmed customer, or if you wish to become one, then this is something that you may be interested in finding out. Bestmed is one of the foremost medical aid companies in South Africa. In fact, they are number 4 in the country, offering services to over 97 000 principle customer. The number of people that they cover are over 200 000. So, how do these people contact Bestmed?

Bestmed Medical Aid Contact Details

The following are the Bestmed medical aid contact details;

General 0860 002
Claims086 000
Hospital authorization080 022
Direct Sales086 033
Maternity and Infant Care086 1111
PPN Claims086 110

Bestmed regional contact details

Those are the Bestmed contact details. The good news is that you can also contact them at one of their regional centres. The following are the various contact numbers for different places around the country;

  • Cape Town:
    021 202 8808
  • Durban:
    031 279 5421
  • Nelspruit:
    013 101 0280
  • Port Elizabeth:
    041 363 8921
  • Pretoria:
    086 000 2378

Alternative ways to reach out to Bestmed

Are those the only ways through which to get in touch with Bestmed? The good news is that there are several other ways through which you can reach out to the company.

You can get in touch with them on their social media platforms. They are available on Facebook and on Twitter. You can also find them on LinkedIn.

It’s also possible to chat with a Bestmed representative on their Live Chat.

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In this article, we gave you the Bestmed contact details. We noted that Bestmed is the fourth largest provider of medical aid in South Africa. They have a presence across the country. In terms of contacting them, the number that you use depends on the nature of your query.

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