Absa Cash Send SMS Not Received
Are you having the Absa Cash Send SMS not received issue? This article will show you how to get out of that situation. Absa Cash Send is one of the money transfer services that are used by South Africans. This service allows you to send money to people using their phone numbers. The person getting the money doesn’t need to be an Absa customer. When you send them money, they receive an SMS notification containing the code that they will use for making a withdrawal. You are here because the SMS has not arrived. What can you do in that case?
Absa cash send SMS not received what to do
The following is what to in the event that your beneficiary has not received the Absa Cash Send code via SMS;
- You need to resend the Absa Cash Send code. To do that, you need to open the Absa app.
- Click on Menu icon.
- Go to Beneficiaries and click on CashSend.
- Look for the beneficiary to whom you wish to resend the code.
- Click on History next to the beneficiary. That brings up all the CashSends that you have previously done to the person.
- Click on More next to the pending CashSend.
- Now click on Resend withdrawal code.
What causes the SMS not to go through?
That’s the answer to the Absa Cash Send SMS not received issue. But what causes the code not to be received?
Remember when you send money to someone via Cash Send, they receive a 10 digit code that they will need when collecting the money.
We have previously written on the Absa Cash Send collection points. This code is necessary. Otherwise a person will not be able to collect their money.
What sometimes happens is that the person getting the money fails to get the code via SMS due to network challenges. Sometimes, the issue is to do with the people themselves. A lot of people ignore and delete SMSes without reading them.
In that case, the good news is that you can resend the code so that the beneficiary will be able to get their money.
In this article, we covered the Absa Cash Send SMS not received issue. It was noted that when someone sends money this way, the beneficiary is supposed to get a code via SMS. The code is needed when collecting the money. However, sometimes the SMS is not received for a couple of reasons. Fortunately, it’s easy enough for the person sending the money to resend the code.
Can I deposit money at an Absa ATM?
My recipient didn’t receive the reference number on their cellphone after I’ve sent money
Follow the steps in the article to resend the money
Did not receive a sms
If it says invalid access code when I withdraw what to do or what the sender should do
Get the sender to resend the code
Didn’t receive cash send code or pin
Good day. Please follow the steps outlined in the article to try and receive it
Good day I use Absa cash send to withdraw my money from Hollywood account bt since last Sunday I haven’t get the sms please help
Me2 whats going on with them
I did not get and cash send numbers
Get the person to resend the SMS
I did not receive cash send sms
My number is mmmmmm
Get the person who send you the cash to resent the SMS
I did not receive my cash send code
You can use the steps outlined here to recover it