Medihelp Waiting Period

What is the Medihelp waiting period? Medihelp is one of the leading medical aid companies in South Africa. They offer affordable medical coverage to thousands of people across the country. You are here because you wish to join and you are wondering how long you will have to wait before you can enjoy the benefits. Or maybe you wish to add someone to your package and you are wondering how long they will need to wait before they can get cover.

What is the waiting period for Medihelp

The general Medihelp waiting period is 3 months, during which you will only be entitled to prescribed minimum benefits (PMB). However, there are some conditions for which the Medihelp waiting period is as long as 12 months. Again, during this period, you will only be entitled to PMB benefits.

Why do medical aid companies impose waiting periods?

That’s the Medihelp waiting period. We noted above that there are two waiting periods, the general waiting period which is generally 3 months, and longer waiting periods for some conditions. One such condition that has a longer waiting period is pregnancy. Learn about the Medihelp pregnancy waiting period.

You may be asking yourself, why do medical aid companies impose waiting periods? Wouldn’t it be better if people were allowed to get treatment the moment that they sign up for medical aid? Wouldn’t that be fair? After all, health is a human right?

Unfortunately, that is not how medical aid across the world works. The waiting periods are actually there to make things fair. They protect people from medical fraud. If there was a world where people would get benefits the day they joined, it would mean someone would only join when they were sick.

It would also mean they would leave the moment they got better. That is not how medical aid is run. Allowing people to join and leave at will would make premiums rather costly for loyal customers. As such the waiting periods are meant to make sure that no insurance fraud takes place.

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In this article, we gave you the Medihelp waiting period. We noted that you need to wait 90 days after joining Medihelp before you cans start enjoying their benefits. On some conditions, the waiting period is longer, at 90 days.

It was also highlighted that waiting periods are meant to protect medical insurance companies and their customers from people who would join today and leave after they have gotten the treatment that they were looking for.

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