How to Open a Fixed Deposit Account With Nedbank

Are you looking for information on how to open a fixed deposit account with Nedbank? We will walk you through the process in this article. Nedbank is one of the major banks in South Africa. Like all the other banks, Nedbank offers fixed deposit accounts. A fixed deposit account is one where you deposit money for a set period and you earn a set amount of interest. This type of account is good for those looking to save their money for some time while earning interest. Maybe you wish to buy some asset in the future.

Steps to open a fixed deposit account with Nedbank

The following is how to open a fixed deposit account with Nedbank South Africa;

  • You can apply for a Nedbank fixed deposit account online. Go to the fixed deposits page and click on the Apply Now button to get started.
  • It’s also possible for you to make your application at your nearest Nedbank bank branch.


That’s how to open a fixed deposit account with Nedbank. But what is it that you need when making your application? The following are the items that you are going to need;

  • Your ID or passport.
  • If you are a new client, you will also need to produce proof of residence. If you already bank with Nedbank, you wont need to produce this.
  • A minimum deposit of R5000. If you are opening an Electronic fixed deposit account, the minimum requirement will be R1000.

What are the benefits of a fixed deposit account

In this article we showed you how to get a fixed deposit account with Nedbank South Africa. So, what are the benefits of opening such an account?

One benefit is that you can choose to be paid your interest every month, every half year, every year and at the end of the term. Usually, the longer your term, the more the interest that you are going to get.

Another advantage is that Nedbank does not charge anything on fixed deposits. It means your interest will not be reduced through charges.

How much interest does Nedbank give?


In this post we highlighted how to open a Nedbank fixed deposit account. It was noted that such an account comes with a number of benefits and is ideal for those looking to earn interest on certain amounts that they are not using at the moment. There are a number of options when it comes to earning interest. However, you earn more when deposit more money into your account.

Here is the Nedbank Swift Code

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