How to Buy Prepaid Water Using Standard Bank

Are you looking for tips on how to buy prepaid water using the Standard Bank app? Most people are not aware that this is something that you can do. They are more familiar with how to buy data and airtime on the app. But you can also purchase prepaid water from the comfort of your home. Standard Bank is South Africa’s largest bank when it comes to assets, and it’s good that customers can enjoy a wide range of digital tools.

Steps to buy water using Standard Bank

The following is how to buy prepaid water using the Standard Bank app;

  1. Log into the app on your phone
  2. Click on Prepaid
  3. Go to Electricity
  4. You can now buy water

What else can you do?

That’s how to buy prepaid water using the Standard Bank app. The app gives you access to a wide range of digital tools that are designed to make your life easier.

As an example, you can buy electricity. You can also buy data. Not only that, but you can also make payments directly from the app.

A lot of people neglect to use the app for whatever reason. If you fall into this category, you are missing out on a lot. The Standard Bank app brings convenience. It reduces the need to have to visit a nearby banking hall to transact. That’s because you can do most things from the app.


In this article, we showed you how to buy prepaid water using the Standard Bank app. It was noted that this is something that can be done from the buy electricity. A lot of people have been doing it.

It brings convenience because you can buy water from your home without have to visit a nearby bank or store that sells tokens. We also noted here that Standard Bank offers a lot of other features that are designed to make life easy for people in South Africa.

Does Standard Bank open Sundays

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