How to Accept Debicheck on FNB App

Do you need information on how to accept Debicheck on the FNB app? It’s something that many of the millions of people who bank with this bank in South Africa have been asking. The country has seen an increase in the number of fraudulent debit orders over the past few years. Debicheck is meant to prevent this. Before an debit orders are effected on your account, you are required to approve the mandate. It’s a system that all banks have now implemented to protect their customers. So, how do you approve Debicheck on the FNB app?

Steps to approve Debicheck on the FNB app

The following is how to accept Debicheck on the FNB app;

  1. Open the FNB app on your phone
  2. Login into the app
  3. You will immediately be presented with debit orders that need to be approved
  4. Choose the one that you wish to approve and click on Accept DebiCheck Mandate
  5. A confirmation screen will appear with the Contract reference number
  6. You need to approve or reject all pending debit orders before you can do anything else on the app or on online banking
  7. Your debit order will now come into effect.

What is Debicheck?

That’s how to accept a Debicheck mandate on the FNB app. But what is Debicheck? It’s a questions that we have already partially answered.

Debicheck mandate approvals are meant to reduce the scourge of fraudulent debit orders that have been flowing across South Africa.

A lot of people have been complaining about having money deducted from their accounts without them have approved the process.

This is where Debicheck comes into play. It’s a Payments Association of South Africa (PASA) system that is used by all banks to ensure that only debit orders that have been approved are processed.

Another thing to note is that the Debicheck mandate confirmation process will also kick in in the event that there are changes to the amount being deducted from your account.

As an example, if you approved a deduction of R100, and then the company starts wanting to deduct R200 per month, you will need to approve before the new amount can be approved.

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In this article, we showed you how to accept Debicheck on the FNB app. It was noted that the Debicheck mandate approval process was initiated by PASA to protect people from fraudulent debit orders. These have become a huge problem across South Africa over the past few years. A debit order will only be processed after you have approved it.

Get a confirmation letter on the FNB app

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