FNB to FNB Transfer Time

What is the FNB to FNB transfer time? You are here because you wish to make an electronic funds transfer (EFT) from one FNB account to the other. Usually, these type of transactions are the fastest. They are definitely faster than transferring to other banks. FNB is one of South Africa’s biggest banks. They currently have over 8 million active customers. If you are one of them, one of the services that you will likely seek to use is to transfer money from your account. How long does it take to move money to another FNB account?

FNB to FNB EFT Times

The FNB to FNB transfer time is usually 12 hours. In this regard, internal transfers between FNB accounts are faster than those that are made to other banks. Should your money not have arrived at the destination account within 24 hours, you should reach out to FNB to find out what is happening.

Who is this service for?

That’s the FNB to FNB transfer time. We have already noted that your money will reflect in your account, or in another person’s account within half a day. That’s way faster than external transfer, which can take up to 3 days.

Internal transfers are for a wide range of people. Maybe you have two FNB accounts and you are looking to transfer money from one to the other. Or maybe you are transferring to someone else who has an FNB account.

Another possibility is that you are making a payment to a company that uses FNB. In any case, the above should be a guide as to what to expect in terms of the amount of time that you will have to wait to get your money.

Can internal transfers be made quicker?

We have shown you the FNB to FNB internal EFT transfer time. But can the waiting time be made shorter? Is there a way that you can make an instant payment from one FNB account to the other?

Please refer to our article on the cost of Instant Payments at FNB. Yes, instant payments are possible, but they cost a little more than standard payments.

The cost is not that much though, and an instant payment is great in that money will be reflected in the other person’s account almost at once.


In this article, we showed you the FNB to FNB EFT transfer time. A lot of people make internal transfers. It’s not surprising considering that FNB is one of the biggest banks in South Africa. The good news is that internal transfers happen faster than external transfers. But if you need to quicken things up, you can do an instant payment.

Learn how to buy 1Voucher using an FNB wallet

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