FNB Credit Card Contact Number
What is the FNB credit card division contact number? FNB is one of the biggest banks in South Africa. They currently have millions of customers spread out across the country. You are here because you are interested in their credit card offering. Perhaps you are already a customer. Or maybe you are an existing customer looking to get help on an issue. So, what are the FNB credit card division contact details?
FNB credit card division contact number
The FNB credit card contact number is 087 575 1111. You can also get in touch on 087 736 4800. When calling from outside South Africa, please use the number+27 11 371 3711. When prompted, you can then dial the 087 number given above. If you wish to cancel your credit card, you can dial 087 575 9406 to get help. For Premier credit cards, please dial 087 577 7000.
Operating hours
That is the FNB credit card contact number. A lot of you will be asking whether or not these numbers are available 24 hours a day. For ordinary hours, calling should be done between 08:00 – 19:00 on weekdays. On Saturdays, calling should be done between 08:00 – 13:00.
For cancellations, you will be able to all 24 hours a day. That’s important considering that you may be calling to have a card that has been compromised in some way, including through theft. It’s only logical, therefore, that you should be able to reach out throughout the day.
Premier credit card customers can also get in touch throughout the day. The number given above is available 24 hours a day including on weekends and on public holidays.
Alternative ways of getting in touch
Those are the FNB credit card contact details. We noted in this article that FNB is one of the biggest banks in South Africa. So, are there other ways through which to get in touch?
You can reach them on their 24hr contact number. You can also get in touch on social media. They have a presence on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Simply go there and start a chat.
In this article, we gave you the FNB credit card contact details. We focused on ordinary credit cards, Premier credit cards and on cancellations. It was noted that the cancellations number is available 24 hours a day.
The same applies for the Premier number. The cancellations number is also the FNB credit card fraud contact number. That makes it important that it be available at all times, including on public holidays.
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