Nedbank to FNB Transfer Time
What is the Nedbank to FNB transfer time? You are here because you wish to learn how long it takes for money that is transferred from Nedbank via EFT to an FNB account. Nedbank and FNB are some of the biggest financial institutions in the country. FNB has over 9 million customers in South Africa. Meanwhile, Nedbank has around 2.6 million customers. Considering these numbers, it’s not surprising that there are a lot of people who are looking to make transfers between the two banks. So, how long does an EFT take to move from Nedbank to FNB?
Nedbank to FNB EFT Times
The Nedbank to FNB transfer time is between 2 and 3 days. In some instances, you will have to wait up to 5 days for your transfer to go through. Note that only business days are counted. If you make your transfer on Friday, you will have to count starting from Monday.
How to instantly transfer money from Nedbank to FNB
That’s the Nedbank to FNB transfer time. In general, you will have to wait several days before money that is transferred reflects in the other account. That may not be ideal for some people. What do you do if you wish to transfer your money instantly?
It’s something that we have previously covered in our article on the cost of Instant Payment at Nedbank. All banks in South Africa offer instant payments. These allow people to transfer money from one bank to the other almost instantly.
The transfer does not necessarily happen instantly, but it happens quick enough. Usually, money will be received in the receiving account within the hour. This alternative is great if you need to make a quick payment. A lot of people do not have the time to wait for money to be cleared. Immediate payments attract a small fee. They are affordable, considering the convenience.
In this article, we showed you the Nedbank to FNB transfer time. It was noted that you need to wait between 2 and 3 days for money to be moved to FNB from Nedbank via EFT.
We also noted that there is an alternative way through which to transfer money almost instantly. You can use immediate payments. That attracts a small fee, but they are preferable for those looking to make quick transfers.
Has your Mobicred application been declined?
During the “clearing” stage when money is transferred form e.g. Nedbank to FNB
1. where is the money?
2. how much interest is earned?
3. do the two banks split the interest earned or does it go to only one of the banks?