Nedbank Joint Account Requirements

What are the Nedbank joint account requirements in South Africa? Many people have been asking about this. Nedbank is one of the giants on the country’s banking scene. Joint accounts are great for those looking to pool their savings. Perhaps you are a couple looking to consolidate your savings. Or maybe you have decided to start your own Stokvel. Whatever your reasons, Nedbank is of your best options when it comes to creating joint accounts.

What do you need to open a joint account with Nedbank?

The following are the Nedbank joint account requirements;

  1. The minimum deposit amount. That depends on the type of joint account that you wish to open.
  2. Each member needs to present a valid South African ID.
  3. Proof of residence for each signatory to the joint account.
  4. In the case of a Stokevale, you will need to presenet its constitution.
  5. Also required are minutes from the meeting where the decision to open a joint account was made.

Types of Joint account

Those are the Nedbank joint account requirements. But what types of joint accounts are available at Nedbank?

The Nedbank Stokvel Account

This is the first type of Nedbank joint account that you can open. Stokvels are fairly popular in South Africa. They allow a group of people to pool their resources and save towards common goal.

To open a Nedbank Stokvel account, you need a minimum deposit amount of R100. The great thing about this account is that you get up to R10000 funeral cover for each member. For that, you need to pay only R25 per month.

Another great thing is that this account does not attract monthly charges. It’s also easy to add and remove members.

Nedbank club account

This is the second type of Nedbank joint account that you can open. The requirements for opening it are similar to the ones that are outlined above. The Club account allows members to save towards a common goal.

For this account, you need a minimum deposit amount of R100. You earn a reasonable amount of interest on money that is in your account. Another great thing is that this account has no monthly maintenance fees.

Learn how to buy airtime with Nedbank


In this article, we gave you the Nedbank joint account requirements. It was noted that joint accounts are very popular among South Africans. Note, however, that you may not have a joint account in the sense of having two people equally responsible for an account.

That’s not allowed in South Africa. What you can have if you are a husband and wife is an account where one is the major owner and the other person is a signatory. The challenge is that is that when the account owner dies, there may be issues getting money released.

Do you wish to activate your Nedbank card for international use?


  1. Good day
    I would like to open a joint account with my girl friend
    Is it possible to do that if so what is required for us to bring when opening these

    1. Legally, there are no joint accounts in South Africa. What you can do is to have an account with a main signatory and another person able to use that account. An issue may arise in the event that the main signatory has died or in the event that you break up. The minor signatory will have to go through a lot of admin work to get access to the funds. So, there is no joint account with equal status. It’s probably best to pool your money some other way. But if you wish to go down this route, get in touch with Nedbank directly

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