How to Close Capitec Account

Do you wish to learn how to close your Capitec account? Capitec is the biggest bank in South Africa when it comes to customer numbers. At the moment, they have well over 21 million clients. There are a number of reasons why they are popular, but let’s face it, Capitec is not for everyone. You are here because you opened an account at some point in time, but you now wish to cancel it. We will talk about some of the reasons for doing so later. So, how do you cancel your Capitec bank account.

How to close my Capitec bank account

To close your Capitec account, you need to visit your branch. It’s the only way through which you are going to be able to cancel your account.

Inactive accounts get automatically closed

That’s how to close your Capitec account. One thing to note is that all accounts that remain inactive for 12 months are automatically closed.

So, it you wish to keep your account open, you need to make sure that there is some activity in there. The good news is that you can always reactivate an account at a nearby Capitec branch.

Tymebank to Capitec transfer time

Reasons for cancelling your account

Now you know how to cancel your Capitec Global One account. But why would you seek to do in the first place. We have noted that Capitec is the biggest bank in South Africa when it comes to the number of customers.

That can make it rather crowded. It’s one of the reasons why some people seek to close their accounts. Perhaps you are tired of waiting in queues and you can no longer take it no more.

Of course, that’s not a very accurate depiction, because there are many digital tools that make it unnecessary to have to visit your Capitec branch.

Perhaps you have found new love at another bank and you no longer need your Capitec account. That is another reason why people sometimes close their accounts. Maybe you went somewhere else while hunting for attractive loan deals.

How to reverse Capitec Send Cash


That’s how to close your Capitec account. In this post, it was noted that Capitec has the most number of clients when compared to any bank in South Africa. If you have previously joined the 21 million people who currently bank with this bank, you may be looking to call it quits for one reason or the other. You can do so by taking the steps outlined above.


  1. Goodday my account was paused because a customer send me money so that I could send her order. Unfortunately the order was misplaced a customer went and report me to the bank and my account was paused. Tried to reason with the customer so that at least I can refund her money back. She blocked me now I cannot do anything coz the bank is saying she’s the one who’s supposed to fix that. Since February until now it’s still paused. What must I do? Must I close the account?

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